home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 11buffer size
- 09pool size
- 17number of strings
- 03???
- 28End of file on the terminal!
- 02!
- 42(That makes 100 errors; please try again.)
- 02?
- 60Type <return> to proceed, S to scroll future error messages,
- 44R to run without stopping, Q to run quietly,
- 23I to insert something,
- 20E to edit your file,
- 561 or ... or 9 to ignore the next 1 to 9 tokens of input,
- 22H for help, X to quit.
- 13OK, entering
- 09batchmode
- 11nonstopmode
- 10scrollmode
- 03...
- 07insert>
- 44I have just deleted some text, as you asked.
- 48You can now delete more, or insert, or whatever.
- 50Sorry, I don't know how to help in this situation.
- 36Maybe you should try asking a human?
- 42Sorry, I already gave what help I could...
- 59An error might have occurred before I noticed any problems.
- 45``If all else fails, read the instructions.''
- 00
- 14Emergency stop
- 35METAFONT capacity exceeded, sorry [
- 44If you really absolutely need more capacity,
- 35you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.
- 19This can't happen (
- 59I'm broken. Please show this to someone who can fix can fix
- 35I can't go on meeting you like this
- 55One of your faux pas seems to have wounded me deeply...
- 59in fact, I'm barely conscious. Please fix it and try again.
- 12Interruption
- 09You rang?
- 57Try to insert some instructions for me (e.g.,`I show x'),
- 43unless you just want to quit by typing `X'.
- 09Missing `
- 19' has been inserted
- 19Arithmetic overflow
- 59Uh, oh. A little while ago one of the quantities that I was
- 59computing got too large, so I'm afraid your answers will be
- 55somewhat askew. You'll probably have to adopt different
- 54tactics next time. But I shall try to carry on anyway.
- 15Square root of
- 23 has been replaced by 0
- 52Since I don't take square roots of negative numbers,
- 52I'm zeroing this one. Proceed, with fingers crossed.
- 24Pythagorean subtraction
- 03+-+
- 13Logarithm of
- 48Since I don't take logs of non-positive numbers,
- 27angle(0,0) is taken as zero
- 54The `angle' between two identical points is undefined.
- 16main memory size
- 24AVAIL list clobbered at
- 31Double-AVAIL list clobbered at
- 24Doubly free location at
- 12Bad flag at
- 14New busy locs:
- 05LINK(
- 05INFO(
- 07vacuous
- 07boolean
- 15unknown boolean
- 06string
- 14unknown string
- 03pen
- 11unknown pen
- 10future pen
- 04path
- 12unknown path
- 07picture
- 15unknown picture
- 09transform
- 04pair
- 13known numeric
- 09dependent
- 15proto-dependent
- 07numeric
- 11independent
- 10token list
- 10structured
- 16unsuffixed macro
- 14suffixed macro
- 09undefined
- 04true
- 05false
- 11nullpicture
- 07nullpen
- 07jobname
- 10readstring
- 09pencircle
- 13normaldeviate
- 03odd
- 05known
- 07unknown
- 03not
- 07decimal
- 07reverse
- 08makepath
- 07makepen
- 11totalweight
- 03oct
- 03hex
- 04char
- 06length
- 13turningnumber
- 05xpart
- 05ypart
- 06xxpart
- 06xypart
- 06yxpart
- 06yypart
- 04sqrt
- 04mexp
- 04mlog
- 04sind
- 04cosd
- 05floor
- 14uniformdeviate
- 10charexists
- 05angle
- 05cycle
- 02++
- 02or
- 03and
- 02<=
- 02>=
- 02<>
- 07rotated
- 07slanted
- 06scaled
- 07shifted
- 11transformed
- 07xscaled
- 07yscaled
- 07zscaled
- 17intersectiontimes
- 09substring
- 07subpath
- 13directiontime
- 05point
- 10precontrol
- 11postcontrol
- 09penoffset
- 02..
- 13tracingtitles
- 16tracingequations
- 15tracingcapsules
- 14tracingchoices
- 12tracingspecs
- 11tracingpens
- 15tracingcommands
- 15tracingrestores
- 13tracingmacros
- 12tracingedges
- 13tracingoutput
- 12tracingstats
- 13tracingonline
- 04year
- 05month
- 03day
- 04time
- 08charcode
- 07charext
- 06charwd
- 06charht
- 06chardp
- 06charic
- 06chardx
- 06chardy
- 10designsize
- 04hppp
- 04vppp
- 07xoffset
- 07yoffset
- 07pausing
- 12showstopping
- 10fontmaking
- 08proofing
- 09smoothing
- 12autorounding
- 11granularity
- 06fillin
- 12turningcheck
- 12warningcheck
- 12boundarychar
- 09 at line
- 14a bad variable
- 02fi
- 08endgroup
- 06enddef
- 06endfor
- 09hash size
- 06EQUIV(
- 02::
- 03||:
- 02:=
- 05addto
- 02at
- 07atleast
- 10begingroup
- 08controls
- 04cull
- 04curl
- 10delimiters
- 07display
- 08everyjob
- 06exitif
- 11expandafter
- 04from
- 08inwindow
- 07interim
- 03let
- 11newinternal
- 02of
- 10openwindow
- 10randomseed
- 04save
- 10scantokens
- 07shipout
- 06skipto
- 04step
- 03str
- 07tension
- 02to
- 05until
- 05token
- 05 ETC.
- 04 BAD
- 02[]
- 05(EXPR
- 05(TEXT
- 02->
- 03>->
- 08<expr>->
- 19<expr>of<primary>->
- 10<suffix>->
- 08<text>->
- 07(SAVED)
- 03var
- 02xx
- 02xy
- 02yx
- 02yy
- 05part
- 06struct
- 11{restoring
- 04Path
- 07{open?}
- 10..control?
- 03 ..
- 06{curl
- 10..tension
- 05 and
- 11..controls
- 02??
- 16, before choices
- 15, after choices
- 23Some number got too big
- 46The path that I just computed is out of range.
- 53So it will probably look funny. Proceed, for a laugh.
- 09path size
- 14Edge structure
- 04row
- 02 |
- 31Scaled picture would be too big
- 50I can't yscale the picture as requested---it would
- 45make some coordinates too large or too small.
- 42Proceed, and I'll omit the transformation.
- 50I can't xscale the picture as requested---it would
- 15move table size
- 13Tracing edges
- 09 (weight
- 21(No new edges added.)
- 10Cycle spec
- 24 % beginning in octant `
- 19% entering octant `
- 08 & cycle
- 03ENE
- 03NNE
- 03NNW
- 03WNW
- 03WSW
- 03SSW
- 03SSE
- 03ESE
- 14 ..controls
- 11 % segment
- 02 (
- 33, before subdivision into octants
- 19, after subdivision
- 43, after subdivision and double autorounding
- 36, after subdivision and autorounding
- 18Curve out of range
- 56At least one of the coordinates in the path I'm about to
- 56digitize was really huge (potentially bigger than 4095).
- 40So I've cut it back to the maximum size.
- 41The results will probably be pretty wild.
- 19rounding table size
- 11Pen polygon
- 09 .. cycle
- 04 ..
- 16 (newly created)
- 13Pen too large
- 59The cycle you specified has a coordinate of 4095.5 or more.
- 55So I've replaced it by the trivial path `(0,0)..cycle'.
- 24Pen cycle must be convex
- 59The cycle you specified either has consecutive equal points
- 54or turns right or turns through more than 360 degrees.
- 16pen polygon size
- 09@ Octant
- 07 offset
- 08), from
- 04 to
- 23@ retrograde line from
- 18@ transition line
- 07, from
- 03dep
- 02*4
- 20Value is too large (
- 53The equation I just processed has given some variable
- 54a value of 4096 or more. Continue and I'll try to cope
- 47with that big value; but it might be dangerous.
- 47(Set warningcheck:=0 to suppress this message.)
- 05####
- 03##
- 15Bad PREVDEP at
- 16Out of order at
- 18Redundant equation
- 43I already knew that this equation was true.
- 50But perhaps no harm has been done; let's continue.
- 23[unknown command code!]
- 03<*>
- 08<insert>
- 12<scantokens>
- 02l.
- 10<forever>
- 11<argument>
- 16<recently read>
- 19<to be read again>
- 16<inserted text>
- 05<for(
- 03)>
- 16input stack size
- 17text input levels
- 08endinput
- 47Incomplete if; all text was ignored after line
- 51A forbidden `outer' token occurred in skipped text.
- 58This kind of error happens when you say `if...' and forget
- 57the matching `fi'. I've inserted a `fi'; this might work.
- 53The file ended while I was skipping conditional text.
- 10File ended
- 21Forbidden token found
- 16 while scanning
- 41I suspect you have forgotten an `enddef',
- 52causing me to read past where you wanted me to stop.
- 49I'll try to recover; but if the error is serious,
- 51you'd better type `E' or `X' now and fix your file.
- 27to the end of the statement
- 42A previous error seems to have propagated,
- 15a text argument
- 45It seems that a right delimiter was left out,
- 18the definition of
- 14the text of a
- 05 loop
- 41I suspect you have forgotten an `endfor',
- 08Runaway
- 05text?
- 11definition?
- 05loop?
- 39Text line contains an invalid character
- 53A funny symbol that I can't read has just been input.
- 48Continue, and I'll forget that it ever happened.
- 40Incomplete string token has been flushed
- 53Strings should finish on the same line as they began.
- 50I've deleted the partial string; you might want to
- 48insert another by typing, e.g., `I"new string"'.
- 32Enormous number has been reduced
- 52I can't handle numbers bigger than about 4095.99998;
- 53so I've changed your constant to that maximum amount.
- 36(Please type a command or say `end')
- 37*** (job aborted, no legal end found)
- 02=>
- 03def
- 06vardef
- 10primarydef
- 12secondarydef
- 11tertiarydef
- 03for
- 11forsuffixes
- 07forever
- 05quote
- 02#@
- 02@#
- 31Missing symbolic token inserted
- 52Sorry: You can't redefine a number, string, or expr.
- 49I've inserted an inaccessible symbol so that your
- 60definition will be completed without mixing me up too badly.
- 51Sorry: You can't redefine my error-recovery tokens.
- 50The next thing in this `def' should have been `=',
- 54because I've already looked at the definition heading.
- 49But don't worry; I'll pretend that an equals sign
- 45was present. Everything from here to `enddef'
- 43will be the replacement text of this macro.
- 04expr
- 06suffix
- 04text
- 07primary
- 09secondary
- 08tertiary
- 41This variable already starts with a macro
- 44After `vardef a' you can't say `vardef a.b'.
- 40So I'll have to discard this definition.
- 46Missing parameter type; `expr' will be assumed
- 52You should've had `expr' or `suffix' or `text' here.
- 20parameter stack size
- 14Extra `endfor'
- 40I'm not currently working on a for loop,
- 40so I had better not try to end anything.
- 05input
- 09Lost loop
- 53I'm confused; after exiting from a loop, I still seem
- 53to want to repeat it. I'll try to forget the problem.
- 22No loop is in progress
- 51Why say `exitif' when there's nothing to exit from?
- 57After `exitif <boolean exp>' I expect to see a semicolon.
- 35I shall pretend that one was there.
- 20*** (loop confusion)
- 12Not a string
- 41I'm going to flush this expression, since
- 48scantokens should be followed by a known string.
- 03)<-
- 22Too many arguments to
- 11 Missing `
- 52I'm going to assume that the comma I just read was a
- 57right delimiter, and then I'll begin expanding the macro.
- 55You might want to delete some tokens before continuing.
- 20Missing argument to
- 48That macro has more parameters than you thought.
- 54I'll continue by pretending that each missing argument
- 23is either zero or null.
- 54I've finished reading a macro argument and am about to
- 56read another; the arguments weren't delimited correctly.
- 51I've gotten to the end of the macro parameter list.
- 05 for
- 57I've got the first argument; will look now for the other.
- 02if
- 04else
- 06elseif
- 49There should've been a colon after the condition.
- 06{true}
- 07{false}
- 06Extra
- 43I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any if.
- 09Improper
- 38When you say `for x=a step b until c',
- 43the initial value `a' and the step size `b'
- 55and the final value `c' must have known numeric values.
- 57The next thing in this loop should have been `=' or `:='.
- 47was present, and I'll look for the values next.
- 51The next thing in this loop should have been a `:'.
- 41So I'll pretend that a colon was present;
- 50everything from here to `endfor' will be iterated.
- 12{loop value=
- 13initial value
- 09step size
- 47I assume you meant to say `until' after `step'.
- 48So I'll look for the final value and colon next.
- 11final value
- 05.base
- 15input file name
- 19I can't find file `
- 23I can't write on file `
- 02'.
- 03.mf
- 20Please type another
- 45*** (job aborted, file error in nonstop mode)
- 02:
- 05mfput
- 04.log
- 02**
- 20transcript file name
- 02
- 20file name for output
- 37File names can't appear within macros
- 46Sorry...I've converted what follows to tokens,
- 37possibly garbaging the name you gave.
- 51Please delete the tokens and insert the name again.
- 03exp
- 26 (see the transcript file)
- 13 (future pen)
- 10linearform
- 03>>
- 07recycle
- 04###
- 03 =
- 09A primary
- 30 expression can't begin with `
- 58I'm afraid I need some sort of value in order to continue,
- 49so I've tentatively inserted `0'. You may want to
- 43delete this zero and insert something else;
- 50see Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for an example.
- 39Nonnumeric ypart has been replaced by 0
- 48I thought you were giving me a pair `(x,y)'; but
- 50after finding a nice xpart `x' I found a ypart `y'
- 54that isn't of numeric type. So I've changed y to zero.
- 59(The y that I didn't like appears above the error message.)
- 22A group begun on line
- 12 never ended
- 56I saw a `begingroup' back there that hasn't been matched
- 47by `endgroup'. So I've inserted `endgroup' now.
- 16Division by zero
- 43I'll pretend that you meant to divide by 1.
- 44Improper subscript has been replaced by zero
- 54A bracketed subscript must have a known numeric value;
- 59unfortunately, what I found was the value that appears just
- 55above this error message. So I'll try a zero subscript.
- 09Variable
- 21 has been obliterated
- 54It seems you did a nasty thing---probably by accident,
- 46but nevertheless you nearly hornswoggled me...
- 50While I was evaluating the right-hand side of this
- 51command, something happened, and the left-hand side
- 52is no longer a variable! So I won't change anything.
- 51While I was evaluating the suffix of this variable,
- 55something was redefined, and it's no longer a variable!
- 59In order to get back on my feet, I've inserted `0' instead.
- 04copy
- 47I've scanned an expression of the form `a[b,c',
- 41so a right bracket should have come next.
- 51I've seen a `[' and a subscript value, in a suffix,
- 11A secondary
- 10A tertiary
- 24Pen path must be a cycle
- 39I can't make a pen from the given path.
- 02An
- 49Undefined coordinates have been replaced by (0,0)
- 49I need x and y numbers for this part of the path.
- 42The value I found (see above) was no good;
- 48so I'll try to keep going by using zero instead.
- 45(Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook explains that
- 36you might want to type `I ???' now.)
- 45Undefined x coordinate has been replaced by 0
- 51I need a `known' x value for this part of the path.
- 45Undefined y coordinate has been replaced by 0
- 51I need a `known' y value for this part of the path.
- 49I've scanned a direction spec for part of a path,
- 39so a right brace should have come next.
- 36Improper curl has been replaced by 1
- 43A curl must be a known, nonnegative number.
- 46I've got the x coordinate of a path direction;
- 36will look for the y coordinate next.
- 45A path join command should end with two dots.
- 34Improper tension has been set to 1
- 53The expression above should have been a number >=3/4.
- 46Paths don't touch; `&' will be changed to `..'
- 48When you join paths `p&q', the ending point of p
- 49must be exactly equal to the starting point of q.
- 53So I'm going to pretend that you said `p..q' instead.
- 46Undefined condition will be treated as `false'
- 53The expression shown above should have had a definite
- 48true-or-false value. I'm changing it to `false'.
- 40*** (cannot readstring in nonstop modes)
- 12unknown pair
- 15unknown numeric
- 17Not implemented:
- 59I'm afraid I don't know how to apply that operation to that
- 53particular type. Continue, and I'll simply return the
- 54argument (shown above) as the result of the operation.
- 02)}
- 30String contains illegal digits
- 55I zeroed out characters that weren't in the range 0..7.
- 48I zeroed out characters that weren't hex digits.
- 18Number too large (
- 57I have trouble with numbers greater than 4095; watch out.
- 58combination of types. Continue, and I'll return the second
- 52argument (see above) as the result of the operation.
- 02{(
- 49The quantities shown above have not been equated.
- 60Oh dear. I can't decide if the expression above is positive,
- 59negative, or zero. So this comparison test won't be `true'.
- 41Unknown relation will be considered false
- 03)*(
- 58You're trying to divide the quantity shown above the error
- 55message by zero. I'm going to divide it by one instead.
- 32Improper transformation argument
- 46The expression shown above has the wrong type,
- 39so I can't transform anything using it.
- 37Transform components aren't all known
- 56I'm unable to apply a partially specified transformation
- 42except to a fully known pair or transform.
- 31That transformation is too hard
- 49I can apply complicated transformations to paths,
- 49but I can only do integer operations on pictures.
- 16Too far to shift
- 49I can't shift the picture as requested---it would
- 30A statement can't begin with `
- 51I was looking for the beginning of a new statement.
- 58If you just proceed without changing anything, I'll ignore
- 56everything up to the next `;'. Please insert a semicolon
- 58now in front of anything that you don't want me to delete.
- 52(See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for an example.)
- 28Extra tokens will be flushed
- 59I've just read as much of that statement as I could fathom,
- 59so a semicolon should have been next. It's very puzzling...
- 53but I'll try to get myself back together, by ignoring
- 19Isolated expression
- 40I couldn't find an `=' or `:=' after the
- 50expression that is shown above this error message,
- 44so I guess I'll just ignore it and carry on.
- 36Improper `:=' will be changed to `='
- 54I didn't find a variable name at the left of the `:=',
- 50so I'm going to pretend that you said `=' instead.
- 03)=(
- 19Internal quantity `
- 28' must receive a known value
- 56I can't set an internal quantity to anything but a known
- 54numeric value, so I'll have to ignore this assignment.
- 30Equation cannot be performed (
- 58I'm sorry, but I don't know how to make such things equal.
- 55(See the two expressions just above the error message.)
- 34Redundant or inconsistent equation
- 56An equation between already-known quantities can't help.
- 50But don't worry; continue and I'll just ignore it.
- 21Inconsistent equation
- 58The equation I just read contradicts what was said before.
- 09 (off by
- 48Declared variable conflicts with previous vardef
- 56You can't use, e.g., `numeric foo[]' after `vardef foo'.
- 51Proceed, and I'll ignore the illegal redeclaration.
- 51Illegal suffix of declared variable will be flushed
- 50Variables in declarations must consist entirely of
- 46names and collective subscripts, e.g., `x[]a'.
- 57Are you trying to use a reserved word in a variable name?
- 43I'm going to discard the junk I found here,
- 51up to the next comma or the end of the declaration.
- 49Explicit subscripts like `x15a' aren't permitted.
- 16Extra `endgroup'
- 44I'm not currently working on a `begingroup',
- 03end
- 04dump
- 46Always say `randomseed:=<numeric expression>'.
- 29Unknown value will be ignored
- 48Your expression was too random for me to handle,
- 43so I won't change the random seed just now.
- 13{randomseed:=
- 13errorstopmode
- 05inner
- 05outer
- 55I found no right delimiter to match a left one. So I've
- 56put one in, behind the scenes; this may fix the problem.
- 11The token `
- 32' is no longer a right delimiter
- 48Strange: This token has lost its former meaning!
- 44I'll read it as a right delimiter this time;
- 43but watch out, I'll probably miss it later.
- 10(%CAPSULE)
- 28' isn't an internal quantity
- 55Something like `tracingonline' should follow `interim'.
- 46You should have said `let symbol = something'.
- 55was present. The next token I read will be `something'.
- 19number of internals
- 09showtoken
- 09showstats
- 04show
- 12showvariable
- 16showdependencies
- 02>
- 08(outer)
- 03lef
- 04righ
- 25t delimiter that matches
- 03tag
- 08variable
- 06macro:
- 09'd macro:
- 17[repeat the loop]
- 13Memory usage
- 17 still untouched)
- 13String usage
- 07=macro:
- 02OK
- 56This isn't an error message; I'm just showing something.
- 07contour
- 10doublepath
- 04also
- 07withpen
- 10withweight
- 08dropping
- 07keeping
- 13Improper type
- 54Next time say `withweight <known numeric expression>';
- 55I'll ignore the bad `with' clause and look for another.
- 47Next time say `withpen <known pen expression>';
- 40Weight must be -3, -2, -1, +1, +2, or +3
- 20 is the wrong type (
- 45I was looking for a "known" picture variable.
- 37So I'll not change anything just now.
- 23Not a suitable variable
- 61At this point I needed to see the name of a picture variable.
- 58(Or perhaps you have indeed presented me with one; I might
- 59have missed it, if it wasn't followed by the proper token.)
- 16Improper `addto'
- 54This expression should have specified a known picture.
- 46This expression should have been a known path.
- 11Not a cycle
- 58That contour should have ended with `..cycle' or `&cycle'.
- 37Strange path (turning number is zero)
- 43Backwards path (turning number is negative)
- 53The path doesn't have a counterclockwise orientation,
- 41so I'll probably have trouble drawing it.
- 51(See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for more help.)
- 17Bad window number
- 42It should be the number of an open window.
- 21Improper `openwindow'
- 52Say `openwindow k from (r0,c0) to (r1,c1) at (x,y)',
- 57where all quantities are known and k is between 0 and 15.
- 19Bad culling amounts
- 44Always cull by known amounts that exclude 0.
- 07message
- 10errmessage
- 07errhelp
- 46A message should be a known string expression.
- 32(That was another `errmessage'.)
- 51This error message was generated by an `errmessage'
- 43command, so I can't give any explicit help.
- 51Pretend that you're Miss Marple: Examine all clues,
- 41and deduce the truth by inspired guesses.
- 09Enormous
- 17 has been reduced
- 48Font metric dimensions must be less than 2048pt.
- 08charlist
- 08ligtable
- 10extensible
- 10headerbyte
- 09fontdimen
- 35Invalid code has been replaced by 0
- 54I was looking for a number between 0 and 255, or for a
- 55string of length 1. Didn't find it; will use 0 instead.
- 10Character
- 02||
- 05code
- 12 is already
- 13in a ligtable
- 13in a charlist
- 51It's not legal to label a character more than once.
- 17Improper location
- 43I was looking for a known, positive number.
- 50For safety's sake I'll ignore the present command.
- 56A colon should follow a headerbyte or fontinfo location.
- 21Illegal ligtable step
- 38I was looking for `=:' or `kern' here.
- 13ligtable size
- 02=:
- 03=:|
- 04=:|>
- 03|=:
- 04|=:>
- 04|=:|
- 05|=:|>
- 06|=:|>>
- 04kern
- 15Too far to skip
- 57At most 127 lig/kern steps can separate skipto1 from 1::.
- 13Improper kern
- 51The amount of kern should be a known numeric value.
- 39I'm processing `extensible c: t,m,b,r'.
- 23Improper font parameter
- 06(some
- 41 values had to be adjusted by as much as
- 03pt)
- 47(illegal design size has been changed to 128pt)
- 04.tfm
- 26file name for font metrics
- 24Font metrics written on
- 13(local label
- 15:: was missing)
- 24(a font metric dimension
- 23 font metric dimensions
- 21 had to be decreased)
- 17 METAFONT output
- 03.gf
- 02gf
- 19 (just shipped out)
- 51(There's unbounded black in character shipped out!)
- 07special
- 10numspecial
- 21Unsuitable expression
- 59The expression shown above has the wrong type to be output.
- 06title
- 18Output written on
- 10 character
- 02,
- 08 bytes).
- 08 (INIMF)
- 25 strings of total length
- 43 memory locations dumped; current usage is
- 16 symbolic tokens
- 07 (base=
- 14base file name
- 26Beginning to dump on file
- 22Transcript written on
- 02 )
- 19(end occurred when
- 09 on line
- 16 was incomplete)
- 52(see the transcript file for additional information)
- 33(dump is performed only by INIMF)
- 21debug # (-1 to exit):
- *426472440